Well everyone, I had my first trip to urgent care. I started coughing the other nite but then it got worse. My cough sounded like a fog horn but I didn't hurt though. I also had some colored buggies coming out of my nose (just in case you were wondering). So mom and dad decided to take me to urgent care to get checked out. I have an upper and lower respiratory infection and a mild ear infection. The doc was really nice but then she got mean and made me put this mask on my face which was ok for the 1st 10 seconds but then it sucked after that. I hope I don't have to do it again. My cousin Lily had to to that and she did just fine. I'll have to call her to get some advice in case it happens again. The doc also wants me to take antibiotics twice a day. Gotta tell you, that dosen't taste that bad. I may be sick but it's not stopping me from telling everyone how big I am (or giving the touchdown signal as mom likes to call it (Go Cardinals!!!) and running around naked (censored thanks to dad so you all don't have to see my butt). I'm still a sparkplug!! Nothing can keep me down. Till next time. Peace out!
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