Well, I went on my first road trip! We went to San Diego with the Rivera's. We had a great time. It was my first beach experience. It didn't take me long to get used to the sand, although it took my cousin Ryan a little time to get used to it but he finally did and we had a blast. The water was kinda cold though so we didn't go swimming. Just our feet. We also went to the San Diego Zoo. That was awesome!!! It is a lot bigger than the one here in Phoenix. We saw some HUGE gorillas! We also saw elephants, koalas and polar bears. I also met my Uncle Mapson, he's a Bronco's fan but I won't hold that against him. I did pretty well in the car. I got a little restless right outsid of Phoenix, but it was all good. I can't wait to go back to San Diego when it is a little warmer. The beach was so much fun. I wish you all could have went. Take care! I gotta recoup!! Oh, by the way. Dad to so many picture I just put a few in a slideshow or else you would scrolling down forever. Later dudes!!
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