Braden Orlando Rivero

Braden Orlando Rivero
March 21, 2008 @ 11:25am
6lbs, 8oz 20 inches

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lunch Date!!

Hey Everyone,
I had a lunch date last week with two of my girlfriends, Brianna and Mya. Oh and the mommy's came along also. They won't let us go out on our own yet. Actually mom met her friends out for lunch Brianna's mom Kathleen and Mya's mom Katie. We just tagged along for the free food. Everyone said we behaved ourselves. It was a lot of fun. Can't wait to do it again.

Board Meeting!

Hi Everyone!!!
I had a great day at school today! Ms. Sara put us all in a circle and we had a little meeting of the minds. I'd like to think that I was in charge of the whole thing. We talked about sharing and the price of gas. Opps sorry, not the price of gas, I had gas! The whole thing wore me out. Can't wait till the next meeting. Take care!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hangin' out in the Pool

Hi everyone!!,
Dad's a little slow on the posting this past few weeks. Last week Uncle Luis and Aunt Michelle had their annual Puerto Rican Party. Dad and I dressed up in our tropical gear. I had a great time. Today we hung out by the pool. Mom bought me these cool shades but they are just a little big still. But I am growing into them. This was my first time in the pool. It is awesome! I can't wait to get in again. Mom and dad says I'm getting bigger. I'll talk to you all later. Peace out!!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My new activities!

Uncle Jamie and I

Wow, that was quick (way to go dad). Mom and dad said I hit a couple of milestones. I am able to grab things with my hands and put them in my mouth. (can't wait till I can grab a steak!). I can also hold on tight enough to pull myself up with some help. There is also a picture of Uncle Jamie and myself. Mom and dad say I'm very vocal and smile a lot. Have fun and I'll talk to you all soon.

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Happy Birthday Daddy!
Not only was it dad's birthday but it was also 4th of July. We had a great time. There were a whole bunch of people here. Uncle Jamie came all the way from Michigan. I wanted to go in the pool with dad but mom said it was too hot for me. So I just stayed inside most of the day. I had so much fun with cousins, Payton, Jackson, Ryan and Lily. They took real good care of me. Cousin Payton even fed me. She did awesome. Mom and dad say I'm getting bigger. You'll see more picture of me soon. Bye for now