Braden Orlando Rivero

Braden Orlando Rivero
March 21, 2008 @ 11:25am
6lbs, 8oz 20 inches

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Happy Birthday Mommy!!!
Today (June 22, dad's a little slow on the posting) is mom's birthday!! I helped dad make mom breakfast (actually I just watched). Mom got this neat Moby carrier wrap for her birthday. I love it!! (dad said he wouldn't get caught dead using it, but I can make him do whatever I want him to. He's a sucker!! It's just a matter of time before he's carrying me around).

Last night we went out for sushi with uncle Luis, aunt Michelle, the twins, aunt Jen and we finally met uncle Dan. I didn't last long as you can see by the first picture. Then we went back home for huge cupcakes!!!

Mom put me in my Bumbo and I did pretty well. It sure is different seeing things from this angle. Thats it for now!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Daddy Daycare!

I've been spending the past Tuesdays and Thursdays with dad. We've been having a great time. I'm doing a lot better with the bottle and dad has even taught me how to feed myself (not really but soon). We have been trying to go out outings so I can get used to riding in the car. I don't really like it very much but I'm starting to adjust. Our outing on Tuesday was to dad's office. I met a lot of nice people there. I can't wait to start working out (dad had better start as well, but don't tell him that). I'll let you know where our next outing will be. Talk to you all later.

First Father's Day!!

Happy Father's Day!!!
Well it was dad's first official Father's Day. We spent it at Uncle Luis and Aunt Michelle's house. Uncle Mark and Aunt Melinda and baby Kyger to be was there also. Ryan and Lily hung out in the pool. It was a little too hot for me 112 so I just stayed inside with dad and watched golf. We had a great day.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

First Day of School!!!

Well, today was my first day of school. My teachers are really nice. This one is Ms. Melissa. Things started out good, then, from what they tell me I got a little cranky and wouldn't take the bottle but I don't believe them. They called mom and she came over to hang out. I was chillin with my classmates when she got there. No worries, ha, ha. Then when mom called to check up on me I was in the principals office hanging out while they fed me. See, I can take the bottle. I didn't sleep much because there was a lot of stuff going on. I'll get better. Anyway, I'll try it again on Friday. Tomorrow I get to spend the whole day with dad!!!

My New Babysitters

Hey Everyone,
Check out my new babysitters, actually it's my cousins, Ryan and Lily. Mom had a meeting to go to so Aunt Michelle, Ryan and Lily were kind enought to look after me for a little while. I had a blast. I can't tell you all the tricks that Ryan taught me. I can't wait till we can hang out again. Thanks again to Aunt Michelle. I hope I wasn't too much trouble.


We finally ventured out for dinner to one of dad's favorite spot, Teakwoods with the Deer's. There was a lot going on there. I just loved watching the tv's (don't tell mom). I can't wait till I can throw those peanuts on the floor. Next time we go hopefully I won't be so fussy. After all, I'm just a baby!!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Eventful weekend

2 posts in 1 day. Dad has a lot of catching up to do!! First of all, I hate to begin this with a sad note but we lost a dear member of our family. We had to put my sister, She-ra to sleep. She had bad kidneys. She is with the angels in heaven and is actually our angel watching over us. We love her and miss her very much but she is always with us. Now on a happy note. My cousin Luke and Aunt Nicolle and Uncle Matt came all the way over from Vancouver Wa to visit us for the weekend. We had a great time. We hung out by the pool on Saturday but I didn't stay to long it was too hot for me. I'll get used to it. I can't wait to get in!!! Oh, I also had my first shots last week. They didn't hurt one bit, well maybe a little. Mom had taken me on a couple of outings, we went shopping with Aunt Michelle and Ryan and Lily we had a blast. Still not to fond of the car but getting better. Thats all for now. I'll write again soon.

Lolo and Lola Rivero

Lolo and Lola

Hi all!!,
Sorry its been so long to write. I thought dad posted pictures of Lolo and Lola Rivero but I guess he didn't (he forgets alot, he's old but don't tell him I said that). I had a great visit with Lolo and Lola. I told them stories and Lola sang me one of my favorite songs, Tiny Bubbles. She even helped me with my bottle. Can't wait to see them again. Mom says I'm getting bigger, maybe because I love to eat. Just like my dad. Take care and I'll talk to you all soon.