Braden Orlando Rivero

Braden Orlando Rivero
March 21, 2008 @ 11:25am
6lbs, 8oz 20 inches

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bounce Jungle

Hey guys!!!
Sunday we went to Bouncejungle. I met my girls Mya and Brianna. I didn't know what to think at first but then it turned out to be pretty fun. I crawled all over the place. I got to go down the slide with mom and dad. There was also a place to chill out and it wasn't very bouncy. I can't wait to go when I start to walk. Maybe we all can meet there and have a little party. Take care. Peace out!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

1 year check-up

Hey Everyone,
Yesterday I had my 1 year check-up. I am at 18.4 lbs, 29 1/2 inches tall (I'm catching up to you dad1) and my head is 45cm. I also got 2 shots which sucked! Diana said I can eat anything I want now!! Oh yea!! Sushi here I come!! Since I did so well with my shots mom and dad took me to Red Robin for dinner (mom and dad didn't have a camera, what's up with that!!) I had fish and fries, awesome!! Anyway, I just wanted to keep you updated. Take care and I talk to you all soon. Peace!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!

1 year old!!!
Today was my first birthday!! Can you believe it has been a year since I was born??? Mom made me a pancake birthday breakfast and I also tried to get into one of my presents. Mom and dad through me a huge bash!! My lolo, lola, grandma and grandpa where here along with all my friends. Lola and mom made me a monkey cake made of bananas. It was so good. I had a great time playing with all my friends. My buddy Troy's birthday party was today also but I was beat so I had to take my nap. Happy Birthday buddy!! I got a lot of cool presents. Mom and dad got me a slide and I also got my own car I can ride in. I can't wait to play with all my toys. We'll gotta go back to playing. Have fun everyone!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!!!

I was feeling so good today dad and lolo took me to my first baseball game. Angels vs. Rockies Spring Training at Tempe Diablo. We met Lexi there, it was her first game as well. We had a great time!! I loved playing with lolo and Uncle Mark. I wanted to go play on the grass but dad said I wasn't allowed on the field. I can't wait till I can play! Next time dad said we can go sit on the lawn so I can crawl around. That will be fun. See you around the old ball park.

Being sick sucks!! (kind of)

Hey everyone!!
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted but I have been sick for the past week and a half. I got a virus from somewhere and I've been to the Dr. twice in a week. Not fun!! But what was fun is that I got to play with lolo and lola while I was home oh yea and dad too, he was on vacation for most of the week. The doc said I couldn't go to school, I don't blame him, I didn't want to get all my friends sick. I had a lot of fun for being sick. I learned how to drink from the sippy cup all by myself. Yeah!!! No more bottles for this guy!! Lolo pushed me around on my train and I even helped lola in the garden. We also made a couple trips to Costco and Lowes. The sick part was a drag but I made the best of it!!! I do miss my friends at school. I will see them tomorrow. Take care!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lolo and Lola are here!!

Hey again,
Today lolo and lola came into town from Michigan. They will be here for my 1st birthday so they're staying a while. We went out to breakfast after we picked them up. It took me a little while to figure them out because it's been a while since I've seen them but now I remember. Watch out!!! I got them all figured out!! Who needs to hold a bottle when lola can do it for me!! (just our little secret). We are going to have a great time. Today I also shared my lunch with mom. Talk to you all later!!

Walk in the Park!!

Hey guys,
Yesterday was such a nice day that mom and dad took me to the park in the neighborhood. They had swings, a slide and animals you sit on and rock back and forth. To tell you the truth, I don't know what the big deal is with swings. All you do is sit there. I guess when I'm bigger mom and dad can push me forward and back and I think that might be cool but for now, whatever. The slide was pretty fun. As far as the animals you sit on, maybe next time. I did like sitting on the grass. It took me a while to get the feel for it but it was nice and cool. I know when I get bigger I'll have more fun. It was nice go on the walk though.