Braden Orlando Rivero

Braden Orlando Rivero
March 21, 2008 @ 11:25am
6lbs, 8oz 20 inches

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sittin Up!!!

Hey Everyone!!!
I'm finally sitting up on my own. A couple weeks ago I would sit for a couple of seconds then take a header. As of last Thurdsay dad sat me up and I stayed there for quite a while. Ryan and Lily came over and I showed the my progress. They were happy for me. That means I'm getting closer to being able to actually play with them. I had a lot of fun when they came over. I was beat at the end of the day so mom and I just crashed on the floor. I can't wait to tell you about my next feat, whatever that may be. Take care.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

6 Months!!!

Hi everyone!!!
I'm 6 months old as of last Sunday!!! Mom and dad said that it seems like I grow overnight (I hope that goes on for a long time, I have to be bigger that my dad!!! but don't tell him that). I can almost sit up on my own. I'm getting the hang of it but for now laying down is much easier. Mom is trying to make me a Cardinals fan (that's for you Uncle Robbie) but we'll see. I love watching my sister Ruby run around (don't worry Ruby, I'll be throwing your bone around in no time, left handed even!!) Anyway, that's it for now. I'll write more later!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Are You Ready for Some Football

Hey everyone!!!
It's fall and that means football!! I got this cool football jersey of my favorite player!! I don't think I'm going to be as big as Brian but at least I look good!! Maybe I can be a kicker or something. I'm getting more agile. I can prop up on my hands now. My favorite thing to do is stick my tongue out. I don't know where I got that from but it's fun. I smile and laugh a lot too!! Anyway, it's past my bedtime so i'll go now. Take care till next time.